Chakra Meanings in One Word

I saw this posted on Facebook and wish I knew who to give the credit to! Thyroid issues? Look at the Throat Chakra. Heart issues? Look at the Heart Chakra. Dilusional? Look at the Third Eye Chakra. Although these one word descriptions are perfect, there are times when there is more to it than the picture shows. The picture reflects the root issues in one word. If you need a balance and assistance with any of these, be sure to book your appointment HERE.

What causes Thyroid issues?
What causes Thyroid issues?

The chakras can also reflect generational and past life memories and experiences as well as those of during the time you are in the womb. Cords and attachments can carry down and also overlap from early childhood. It’s amazing what can be fixed while keeping the intended lessons and letting go of all that does not serve your highest good and the highest good of all. Let’s dig deeper and clean it up!