What is the “Third Eye”?

Vegas Crystal Healings

Third Eye Description & Visual

I ran across this pic on my computer and wish I knew who to give credit to. This is a perfect description of brain parts that correlate with the Third Eye. I always explain this to new clients and how the different brain parts give the intuition and sixth sense. How did you know to stop at that yellow light? You could have easily made it but it’s a good thing you stopped. How did you know? Thank your brain for it.

The Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus have become calcified with the use of fluoride. Use fluoride free toothpaste and start drinking spring water or distilled water in order to begin decalcifying the Third Eye then schedule a Third Eye session. This is a One Hour Chakra Balance with all chakras being balanced twice but intense energy work being done on the Third Eye.

See you soon and hope you enjoy this pic!

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