3 Reasons the Energy is Stronger During a Full Moon

full moon in crystal sphere

We’ve all heard it – “It’s a full moon so all the crazy people are out.” When I worked in the ER, we dreaded the full moon. People really do get crazy and crazy thing happen. They say more women go into labor during a full moon even though studies show that is not true. Let’s just agree that the full moon has effects that are not always positive but it doesn’t have to be that way. There is another side to the full moon. It’s all about perspective.

When I think of a Full Moon, I think of a beautiful dark night where the air is crisp. I see the moon rising over the waters of an endless sea as the waves come crashing into the sand and up to my feet. I feel close to nature and the spiritual connection is vast and strong. I feel at peace with myself and the man in the moon. The energies are strong and that moon just seems to absorb an negativity away from me. It is cleansing. It is fulfilling. It sets the stage for change and the release to allow change to happen within. Can you see it? Can you feel it?

Tonight I was talking with a friend who is new to the metaphysical world. She has always had her suspicions and knew there was more but didn’t know where to start. I was explaining more about the full moon and I thought if she didn’t understand it, there would be many others that also don’t understand it.

There are 3 reasons a full moon has such tremendous effects.

  1. The vale is thinner between worlds. Say what? Between worlds? Whatchu talking about? Well first of all, you need to understand that there are different realms and dimensions. The vale between these dimensions is thinner and that is why it is easier to connect with these cleansing energies during a full moon.
  2. Tremendous energy that’s amplified. The energy from being close to the moon is vast. It is a time to increase your positive energy. Here’s the catch: the full moon can also intensify all emotions. In order to get a positive effect from the full moon, you need to get your emotions in order. Whatever you are focused on is intensified. If you are in a positive state of mind with gratitude, happy and there to receive blessings, that is exactly what you will receive – only it is amplified by the extra outpour of energy from the full moon. You must be calm and sincere. On the flip side of the coin, if your emotions are wreaking havoc and your intentions are not positive, the exact opposite can take place. This is a huge opportunity for spiritual growth or making things worse. It’s all bout intention and the amplification of that intention.
  3. Gravitational pull. Gravity effects everything. That’s why the tides are higher during a full moon (also on a new moon). Our body is water. Perhaps that has something else to do with it. We are also composed of the same components of crystals. Perhaps the gravitational pull effects us like it does the tides. It’s food for thought but the gravitational pull is consistent with most explanations of full moon effects.

I hope this has helped you understand the “why” behind full moon effects and how you can impact your own outcome. If you take anything away from reading this post, I hope it is to keep your intentions pure and of positive energy. By doing so, spiritual communication will be improved, positive outcomes to life will be amplified and you might just enjoy that high tide!

If you would like to amplify positive intentions and blessings, be sure to attend the Full Moon Blessing Ceremony on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 5:30 pm. You can RSVP by clicking here.

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