Have you just stopped to “Be Still” lately? It has been months since I have been able to do that. It is very relaxing. I just spent several hours with my daughter and granddaughter at the pool laughing, smiling and just being together. It makes my heart swell with gratitude that I am blessed enough to be able to do such things. Spring and Summer are my favorite times of the year. I need sunshine. I need water. In the Fall and Winter, I am cut off from such things which really messes with me.
While at the pool, my daughter says, “Wow mom! You are really white!” I busted out laughing and splashed her which started my granddaughter Mackenzie laughing and she then wanted to join in the fun. She just had her first swim lesson today after just turning 2 years old. She is such a joy! As my grandmother used to say about all three of my girls, “She’s such a doll!” I couldn’t agree more Grandma!
While we were at the pool, I told my daughter that Mackenzie used to be a queen. My daughter had to ponder that herself a moment – she isn’t sure if she believes in past lives or not. The longer we were at the pool, the more my daughter saw what I saw. She finally told me she completely agrees about Mackenzie being a queen. Mackenzie has always acted like a queen. She is careful about what she does to always be as proper as she knows how to be. She literally cracks me up sometimes. She is so down to earth, happy, laughing and having fun yet when you ask her a question, she looks at you like, “Really? Would a queen do that?” It’s hysterical!
After swimming several hours, I polished her toenails. As they left, she had a bounce in her step. I love them both so much! I love all 3 of my daughters and son so much and am blessed to have them all!
Now I sit here knowing I need to do a blog post. Jazz is playing in the bedroom and the atmosphere is relaxed. Oreo is at my side and I look at him with what? Gratitude. One more creation I am grateful for.
I ponder about the Spring Fling Psychic Days we just had at the shop. Once again I am so very grateful! I am grateful to have such talented and gifted people cross my path. There was laughter, tears, healing and so much more that took place. I am grateful for Trenny, Sid and Sada being such a big part of the special events. This was the smoothest functioning psychic event so far. There was only one glitch in a full two days. Everyone ran pretty much right on time and there was no 30-60 minute waits running behind schedule. Every single person that received readings left happy and smiling to the best of my knowledge. There were no complaints about any of the psychics. Life was and is good! For those of you that have already asked, Sid will be back in May and maybe Trenny as well. We are talking about doing another Whispers From Spirit Gallery because everyone was so blessed with all the messages they received. Sid is going to be having Mediumship 101 in May as well. Stay tuned and subscribe to the Crystal Chatter newsletter or like and follow our Facebook page to get notifications.
After thinking about how grateful I am for the fantastic turnout this last weekend, I think forward to this week and what we have going on at the shop. Curt recently joined in at the shop. He does Seraphim Blueprint. He started doing a Seraphim meditation after the Crystal 101 class the last 2 weeks and it has been a HIT! Everyone has had different experiences with it and they have been good. It is exciting to be offering more to the classes and letting everyone experience a little of what he does. Curt is a very powerful healer and I am pleased to announce he will be doing a Pluto Planetary Wash after the Black Tourmaline Crystals 101 class this Wednesday. Black Tourmaline is connected with Pluto which just went into retrograde the end of last week. Can you say Retrograde Soup? Sheesh! Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Pluto. The Universe is asking us to “sort out” our life and redefine our reality and how we operate in it. This retrograde period is 3D – it will ask us to look at ourselves (our thoughts, our communication – Mercury and our set of values – Venus) at our environment (Jupiter and Saturn) and at how everything fits together in the grand scheme of things (Pluto).
Curt will be leading a Pluto Planetary Wash at the end of Crystals 101 on Wednesday, 4/26/17 at 6:30. This will ease the effects of Pluto’s Retrograde. Pluto is the furthest planet from us BUT it is the closest to other galaxies which can affect us as well. If you would like to participate with this, you can do so by clicking on this link and reserving your ticket. Classes are filling up and for that I am so very grateful!
Then I think of Angelica Pasho. She too has been such a huge blessing in my life and in the lives of many clients that have been attending her meditations and classes. The most recent class was on cleansing your energetic field and placing an energetic shield. It was a HIT! By the end of class, Angelica was able to throw energy balls at people from the back and the students could tell what part of their body she had thrown it to and was not affected by it. It build confidence and everyone was able to know how to build a shield without holes in it. She is offering this class again Thursday evening at 6:30. If you would like to participate, you can do so by clicking here.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being a part of my life. I am so very grateful for each one of you. I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful! Now I need to listen to this song by Marvin Gaye while I close my eyes and be grateful just a little more. HUGS! Tammy