Hello crystal lovers! This week we are talking about eclipse season; how to prepare yourself, what expectations you can have, and how to make it through the next few weeks without losing yourself to the chaotic energy that can accompany full moons, eclipses, and Mercury retrograde. Let’s dive in and see what all the fuss is about!
This Wednesday March 26 brings a Super Full Blood Moon in Sagittarius.
What does that mean exactly?
The full moon this week is a “super moon” meaning; as the moon travels in its ecliptic around the Earth, there are times when the moon is physically closer to our lovely little planet. You can observe the physical effects this has on the Earth with the rising and falling of the tides. Humans, being 60% water, are also certainly affected physically by this lunar pull as well. But it’s not just the physical we concern ourselves with when we talk about the moon. Traditionally, the moon represents our emotions; how we deal with things, and how we react to others. It is the sum total of all of our past lives, the habits and experiences from them, that show up in the emotional side of our personality in this lifetime.
So when the moon gets super, expect your emotions to rise just like those tides!
A “blood moon” occurs anytime there is a lunar eclipse. This stigma comes from the reddish glow that seemingly magickally appears across the moon for several moments in the night sky. In actuality it is the moon passing through the Earth’s shadow. The reflective light that illuminates this celestial body, is filtered much like a sunrise or sunset that has that beautiful crimson glow. The upcoming eclipse is the first and only full lunar eclipse of 2021. So what does that mean for you? It means buckle up Dorthy, cause this Full Moon’s energy is about to rock you! Its power will be unparalleled to any other lunation of 2021.
In short, this eclipse is a time for cleansing, banishing, cord cutting, protection, and transformation
As with all full moons, this week focus on releasing old patterns that no longer serve you, cleansing yourself and your space, preparing for new beginnings, and opening yourself to an influx of major energy. This eclipse season is the perfect time to dig into your shadows and work out the issues you’ve been carrying around with you. Confronting those dark corners of yourself isn’t easy, and many people get lost on the journey, so this week use your own cosmic energy to determine where and what in your life needs to go. Take a look at your natal birth chart to see where Sagittarus inhabits it. The house where Sagittarius lives is the area of life that will be most affected by this eclipse season. Bonus, if you have any planets in this sign, lean on them and their energetic boost to help you out!
You can trust where this lunar eclipse leads you. Energetically, it is The Universe’s way of shifting influences in your life so you make the changes necessary to keep you on the aligned path. Its all part of your cosmic plan. Embrace the changes that flow into your life, allowing the outward flow to bring in fresh current of energy. Understand endings are necessary a part of life in order to bring new beginnings, an eclipse is like an ultimate purge of energy, this purifying shift helps start you off with a clean slate. If something or someone needs to be gone from your life, the eclipse will make it happen if you don’t.
Its time for that deep dive you’ve been putting off, being totally honest with yourself and others. If you don’t intentionally level up, this eclipse will do it for you!
Don’t worry, its not all doom and gloom. The reality is, sometimes we need a helping hand to let stuff go, and that’s just what this eclipse is going to do. This isn’t the time for manifesting, its a time to get your poop in a scoop, and who better to lead the charge than Sagittarius? The ever-forward moving, energetic, and passionate archer of the zodiac.
Instead of focusing your energies toward creation and manifestation, take time to understand where you are on your life path and engage in meaningful activities. Find a group, hobby, or practice that engages your passions and stimulates your mind. Work toward developing, and more importantly, listening to your own intuition. As you engage in that ever so murky shadow side, take time to liberate yourself from their lower nature. Let go of all of those habits you hate, the low vibrations, and maybe take some chances that will come to fruition in the next 6 months.
You may notice your filter is lessened over the next few weeks, so communicate with intention and integrity. Bluntness may have words leaping from your mouth before you get the chance to refine them. Also, be cautious of over taxing yourself during this season, make time for self-care, meditation, and grounding down in nature. The next few weeks may have you feeling claustrophobic; in life, work, and relationships, so don’t go making extreme decisions in response.
The best thing you can do for yourself is practice releasing attachments and blocks within you to open yourself to new and inspiring energy
So let’s talk crystals and other tools you can use to help yourself get through the madness with ease…
Moonstone: Of course moonstone is always an option when working in any lunar phase. This crystal helps connect you to your inward journey and understanding the cycles of life. Moonstone often helps reveal the missing pieces in your life and with intention can help you draw them in.
Black Tourmaline: This crystal can help purify your energetic field, physical body, and your space. It is also highly protective and will help lessen the shock of energy shifts that can occur in your life.
Labradorite: Use this magickal stone to tune into your intuition and develop your own magickal gifts such as; clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, psychic readings, past-life recall, and communication with guides and spirits. It is a stone of inner awareness and will help lighten up those shadowy areas of your life.
Metals: Heavy metals such as gold, silver, copper, and pyrite can help keep energy currents flowing. Just like engineers use them to harness and drive electrical currents, you can use these metallic crystals to utilize and control the movement of the full moon and eclipse energies within and around you.
Not only do we carry all the stones you may need to move through the eclipse season, we also carry ritual kits, bath soaks and salts, magickal incense, and original recipe oils that you can use to drive your intentions this full moon. Stop in today to get everything you need to move serenely through the next phases this full moon will bring. Our staff is happy to guide and answer any questions you may have about cleansing, protection, transformation, and working through it all with gratitude.

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